So that Haiti be filled with people who call on the name of the Lord.
For Haiti Missionaries, their Families, and Mission Co-Workers.
For Haiti Leaders.
For the Future Leaders of the Nation.
Short-term missions (VBS, VBS Teachers' Training, Youth Camp, English Teaching, Pastors' Extended Education & Seminars, Medical Missions, Construction Missions).
Committing yourself, as Layperson long-term Missionary. We recommend you to first go to Vision Trip to Haiti, you can stay in our Vision Center.
By sending to HMUSA the certain amount you have in your mind, Monthly or One Time.
By Supporting Tuitions and or living costs of Theological School Students.
By Participating in Projects (Church Construction, School Construction, Purchasing or Construction of Vision Center, Purchasing or Donations of Mission Vehicles).
Helping for Mercy Ministry of the absolute poor.
[When sending donations from USA]
Pay to the order & mail to:
Haiti Mission USA, P.O.Box 6875, Monroe, NJ 08831
[When sending donations from Korea]
하나은행 123-910008-99005 (아이티선교회)